Make money in your local market.
You can make money within 30 days. We make no guarantees because we cannot control your actions. You are the only person that can do that. Yes, you can use your online skills that you possess and build a network of local businesses that can use your expert services while you make a profit. Take one to three areas that you like and know a little about. Market these profitable areas to the local businesses that you want to target market and turn them into some extra cash for whatever you need it for. If you got the motivation, the dedication, and the ability to take action, you should be able to have a profitable online/offline local business. The amount of money you make depends on your own person level of expertise that you have the skills for.
First week set up your operations. See below list.
Make money in your local market: Lets say you want to market:
1. Text Message Marketing,
2. Video Commercials,
3. You as Their Social Media Manager.
4. Website Design, Hosting, and SEO.
5. Mobile Website Design.
These our just ideas. Use your ideas that you have skills at or get the training to do so.
You want to talk face to face with your special local businesses that you are targeting. You can market your own ideas or services to any local business that you like. Pick out places that you feel would need your services. Start with mom and pop operations. Make a list of 300 places for your list. Nobody said this was going to be easy. You work hard enough and you will succeed. Use the internet and local phone book to get your leads that you will need. Write them all down in your small appointment book and keep notes as you progress with your prospecting. Stay organized, take action even when you do not feel like it, and you will be more effective in all your business dealings that you encounter. Be straight forward, honest, and make good eye contact.

Make money in your local market: Supplies you may need:
Most people will have some or all items and will require very little expense. More than likely less than $100.
Nobody is collecting anything from you. So spend your own money wisely for your supplies or barter for them.
That's your investment into your own business. Keep all receipts and talk to your tax adviser or lawyer if needed on any laws and permits that you may need. Keep everything legitimate.
100 Business Cards
100 Flyers
1 Ink Pen
Small Schedule Book
Cell Phone with Text Features
1 Blog or Website
Digital Camera or Camcorder
Access to a Computer
An Internet Connection
Make money in your local market: Things you need to do to set up your operations:
Take Action
Take any training you may need...
Set up your pricing, research what the market will bear and adjust if necessary.
Put a 30 Day plan together or a plan that enables you to call on 300 local businesses in a 3 week time frame.
Enroll in any affiliate program you may need.
Get your website or blog set up.
Arrange your business cards and purchase.
Arrange your flyers and purchase.
Get your supplies.
Look up 300 local businesses and record in small schedule book.
Create free ads on the internet for your services. Use them as your keywords.
Now is the time to take big action and put your plan in motion.
Make money in your local market: Calling on Local Businesses:
Just call on 20 businesses a day, for 5 days per week, for a three week period and measure your results. If you do not have that amount of time to complete the requirement above, figure out when you can complete 300 business calls. This is so we can measure the results and make some adjustments to our plan to be more effective. The more effective, organized, and the more action you take, the more successful you will be. You will be able to trim this amount of calls back after the first 300. The initial requirement is so you can get going quicker and make some cash.
Make money in your local market: When calling on local businesses:
You are trying to make contact with the owner, manager, or decision maker. Tell them that you are a local business owner and these are the services you offer. Use your flyer as a mini presentation. You always want to leave your flyer, business card, and leave with an appointment or some type of information so that you can make contact another time or a date. Do not be pushy, rude, or untactful. Try to get an appointment as soon as possible while they are semi warm prospects. Talk to them about the benefits that your product or services has to offer and how it can benefit them. Always be closing. Close any clients you can.
Make money in your local market: Things to do after contact:
Schedule an appointment if you have not done so already, phone, email, face to face, or text
Answer all and any messages quickly and put out fires before they get out of control.
Collect any checks after you make the sale and your services have been completed and
Ask for referrals.
Send thank you notes by email and ask for referrals.
Check in with them every now and then and ask for referrals.
After 30 days adjust your plan and any thing else that you can improve in, do this every 30 days.
Make money in your local market: What can you expect:
If you called on your 300 businesses and set up 25% of those businesses with an appointment and sold 25% of those within the 30 days you would be on your way to success. If you can charge a monthly fee so these figures will raise monthly and your income increases every time you get to close a client.
Do this for a year and stick to your plan and you will have a residual income. Take on as many clients as you can handle or add employees, contractors, or even partners that can benefit your business.
It is up to your own efforts, expertise, and clients that you obtain to make a few bucks. Then are numerous ways to make money in your local market. you must take action for anything to work. these are the basics and simple ways to make a little cash using the skills you may already have.
You have to take your own responsibility to make any thing work. So use your skills and take action.
Any good plan will work as long as you do.
Leave us some comments on, make money in your local market.

First week set up your operations. See below list.
Make money in your local market: Lets say you want to market:
1. Text Message Marketing,
2. Video Commercials,
3. You as Their Social Media Manager.
4. Website Design, Hosting, and SEO.
5. Mobile Website Design.
These our just ideas. Use your ideas that you have skills at or get the training to do so.
You want to talk face to face with your special local businesses that you are targeting. You can market your own ideas or services to any local business that you like. Pick out places that you feel would need your services. Start with mom and pop operations. Make a list of 300 places for your list. Nobody said this was going to be easy. You work hard enough and you will succeed. Use the internet and local phone book to get your leads that you will need. Write them all down in your small appointment book and keep notes as you progress with your prospecting. Stay organized, take action even when you do not feel like it, and you will be more effective in all your business dealings that you encounter. Be straight forward, honest, and make good eye contact.

Make money in your local market: Supplies you may need:
Most people will have some or all items and will require very little expense. More than likely less than $100.
Nobody is collecting anything from you. So spend your own money wisely for your supplies or barter for them.
That's your investment into your own business. Keep all receipts and talk to your tax adviser or lawyer if needed on any laws and permits that you may need. Keep everything legitimate.
100 Business Cards
100 Flyers
1 Ink Pen
Small Schedule Book
Cell Phone with Text Features
1 Blog or Website
Digital Camera or Camcorder
Access to a Computer
An Internet Connection
Make money in your local market: Things you need to do to set up your operations:
Take Action
Take any training you may need...
Set up your pricing, research what the market will bear and adjust if necessary.
Put a 30 Day plan together or a plan that enables you to call on 300 local businesses in a 3 week time frame.
Enroll in any affiliate program you may need.
Get your website or blog set up.

Arrange your flyers and purchase.
Get your supplies.
Look up 300 local businesses and record in small schedule book.
Create free ads on the internet for your services. Use them as your keywords.
Now is the time to take big action and put your plan in motion.
Make money in your local market: Calling on Local Businesses:
Just call on 20 businesses a day, for 5 days per week, for a three week period and measure your results. If you do not have that amount of time to complete the requirement above, figure out when you can complete 300 business calls. This is so we can measure the results and make some adjustments to our plan to be more effective. The more effective, organized, and the more action you take, the more successful you will be. You will be able to trim this amount of calls back after the first 300. The initial requirement is so you can get going quicker and make some cash.
Make money in your local market: When calling on local businesses:
You are trying to make contact with the owner, manager, or decision maker. Tell them that you are a local business owner and these are the services you offer. Use your flyer as a mini presentation. You always want to leave your flyer, business card, and leave with an appointment or some type of information so that you can make contact another time or a date. Do not be pushy, rude, or untactful. Try to get an appointment as soon as possible while they are semi warm prospects. Talk to them about the benefits that your product or services has to offer and how it can benefit them. Always be closing. Close any clients you can.
Make money in your local market: Things to do after contact:
Schedule an appointment if you have not done so already, phone, email, face to face, or text
Answer all and any messages quickly and put out fires before they get out of control.
Collect any checks after you make the sale and your services have been completed and
Ask for referrals.

Check in with them every now and then and ask for referrals.
After 30 days adjust your plan and any thing else that you can improve in, do this every 30 days.
Make money in your local market: What can you expect:
If you called on your 300 businesses and set up 25% of those businesses with an appointment and sold 25% of those within the 30 days you would be on your way to success. If you can charge a monthly fee so these figures will raise monthly and your income increases every time you get to close a client.
Do this for a year and stick to your plan and you will have a residual income. Take on as many clients as you can handle or add employees, contractors, or even partners that can benefit your business.
It is up to your own efforts, expertise, and clients that you obtain to make a few bucks. Then are numerous ways to make money in your local market. you must take action for anything to work. these are the basics and simple ways to make a little cash using the skills you may already have.
You have to take your own responsibility to make any thing work. So use your skills and take action.
Any good plan will work as long as you do.
Leave us some comments on, make money in your local market.
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